Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Left hates free speech, the continuing saga

Twitchy: "Twitter will no longer allow advertisers ‘who deny the scientific consensus on climate change’."


  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Hoo boy, you picked the wrong week for this gripe.

    Turn that drum you're beating over to the conservative side, and it'll sound like John Bonham.

    "We'll shut you up, Disney." The revelation of Kevin McCarthy's "Can't they take their Twitter accounts away, too?" (back when opposing sedition was cool)? The "Don't Say Gay" bill? Banning math textbooks for the imagined scent of critical race theory? And for that matter, critical race theory itself? Quite the flurry of free thought you've got yourself there.

    "Go free speech!" shout conservatives. "No, seriously... go."

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    P.S. A private company declining to run specific advertisers is not a free speech issue, even when it makes you mad. Conservatives used to know that, but they've developed situational Alzheimers.

  3. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Add DeSantis' just-signed “Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act” (Stop WOKE, hyuk yuk), which puts new restrictions on discussions of racial history.

    You really picked the wrong week to strap on your partisan blinders to ride your hobby horse.
