Monday, April 25, 2022

Bring on the culture wars

Real Clear Politics has a morning and evening edition and there was a linked story in each with the latter one appearing to respond to the earlier piece.

In the morning, CNN's resident dimwit leftist Dean Obeidallah wrote this excrement: "Democrats should embrace being woke and make 2022 about GOP's extremism."
Some in today's Republican Party are trying to ban abortion, books they find objectionable, Black history from being taught fully, transgender teens from playing sports, and discussions of sexual orientation in schools, and now they're even going after Mickey Mouse.
Please, please, please Democrats: listen to Dean Obeidallah.  Please run on teaching first-graders about trans-sexuality, CRT, and allowing biological men into women's sports.  Show us you've learned absolutely nothing from the Virginia gubernatorial race.  

These people live entirely within a bubble, which is the topic of this Federalist article: "Democrats’ Culture War Is Destroying Their Ability To Govern Competently Enough To Fool Voters."
It is also why the left cannot understand its own failures. They have isolated themselves in a bubble that has drifted so far from reality and the concerns of normal voters that even electoral disaster may not bring them back to Earth. Cocooned in privilege and ideology, they think Biden is doing just fine. But most Americans have had enough of a government that is more committed to transitioning children than to controlling crime and inflation.
Driving home today, NPR played a blurb from somebody who claimed the Florida law nicknamed "Don't Say Gay" is some kind of an attack against trans kids.  My thought was "keep it up."

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