Thursday, April 21, 2022

At least Carter once held a real job

Power Line: "I can't believe I miss Jimmy Carter."
I’m slowly working up to a long piece about the parallels between the hapless Jimmy Carter Administration and the Biden Clown Show that go beyond inflation, energy market disruptions, foreign policy cluelessness, and other totems of the dismal 1970s.
You have to be somebody of advanced age like (ahem) me to remember the Carter years.  For a huge chunk of America, they've never seen runaway inflation like this eating away at wages coupled with a feckless foreign policy dependent on Middle East plutocrats.  


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    More people are working full-time today under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    The real GDP is higher today under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    The stock market is higher today under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    Median housing prices are higher today under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    The unemployment rate is lower today under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    Corporate profit growth is higher under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    The job growth is higher today under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    Consumer credit borrowing is higher under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    The federal deficit dropped under Biden, but never dropped under Trump.

    Applications to start new businesses are higher under Biden than at any time under Trump.

    The economy grew at the strongest rate under Biden than at any time under Trump.

  2. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Dingleberry comments are dumber now than any time under Trump.

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Even if that were true, I'd still be beating you in facts by 11 to 1.

    Routed by a dingleberry. Your family must be so ashamed.
