Saturday, March 19, 2022

The NYT discovers free speech

When they're not busy trying to bury news harmful to Democrats, the New York Times occasionally reveals some integrity.  Reason: "The New York Times Admits That 'America Has a Free Speech Problem'."
By now, it should be impossible to ignore the ill effects of free-speech hostility; what appeared to begin on elite college campuses has spread to broader society and is agitating for a world where the act of dissenting from progressive orthodoxy is treated as violence—and thus can be met with force. Indeed, colleges campuses continue to provide some of the most palpable examples of this phenomenon: Earlier this month, Yale Law School students shouted down a conservative speaker and a liberal one—as well as the school's own officials—in order to prevent a discussion about a recent Supreme Court case. (David Lat, an attorney, legal commentator, and Yale graduate, described the incident as "much worse" than many people know.) The student activists' philosophy is by now familiar to everyone who has paid attention to higher education for the past decade: Speech that perturbs progressives or their allies is illegitimate and should be prevented.
Your speech is violence, but their violence is speech.

Extra - Legal Insurrection: "Liberals Infuriated By NY Times Editorial Recognizing Cancel Culture Problem; Cancel Subscriptions."  So much for their famed tolerance.

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