Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Rude, crude, and right all along

Today a woman in Massachusetts faced federal charges for fraud: "Boston's 'best social justice advocate' arrested for defrauding donors."
In 2017 Monica Cannon-Grant started a social justice group called Violence in Boston. She became an organizer of Black Lives Matter marches and was voted one of the Bostonians of the Year in 2020 by the Boston Globe. Now Cannon-Grant has been arrested and charged with defrauding donors of much of the money her organization collected.
Cannon-Grant was showered with accolades from the usual quarters of Boston and nobody thought to question where all the money was going.

Except for Turtleboy.  This guy runs an unsophisticated blog that exposes grifters like Cannon-Grant all across the Bay State and he's been churning out stories on her for almost a year.  It's almost like he asked very obvious questions while the very "journalists" who were expected to do their job covered their eyes because a story they liked fit their preferred narrative.

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