Thursday, March 10, 2022

Jussie goes out the liar he is

I just finished watching the sentencing of Jussie Smollett for his felony hate hoax and it was worth the wait.  The judge spent over a half-hour lacing into Jussie for dragging out his obvious lies, committing perjury on the stand, and for generally undermining the fight against real hate crimes.

The judge sentenced him to 150 days in the Cook Country jail, 30 months felony probation, and restitution to the Chicago police for all the time they wasted.

Upon sentencing, Smollett took off his mask and yelled out "I am not suicidal!"  (It looks like he was worried about going out like Epstein.)  Then he said "I am innocent!"  The judge turned down all motions for a suspended sentence during the appeal process and Smollett was led away once again proclaiming his innocence and saying he was not suicidal.

It was quite the show, the last one he'll ever star in.

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