Thursday, March 24, 2022

Democracy dies with dumbasses

Journalists: "Our credibility has hit rock-bottom."
Washington Post: "Hold my beer."

This entire editorial is intellectually bankrupt. It’s the kind of commentary we’d expect to see on TikTok, not from serious analysts and especially not from news editors that actually covered the Kavanaugh hearings. It should linger in the air like a permanent boof over the offices of the Washington Post and embarrass everyone connected to the newspaper.
I'm pretty sure they're incapable of shame at this point.

Extra - Federalist: "Washington Post Says Asking KBJ Questions About Her Legal Rulings Is Worse Than Falsely Accusing Kavanaugh Of Rape" - "The Post’s commentaries on Jackson are not only patently false but their phony claims about her confirmation hearing deserve endless taunting." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Poor little Republicans, suffering more painful and lasting Kavanaugh PTSD than Christine Blasey Ford ever could.
