Friday, March 25, 2022

Clean-up on aisle Biden

Red State: "Biden Just Stuck His Foot Straight in His Mouth in a Way That Could Set off WWIII."

For not the first time, the White House communication office had to say "ignore what that guy just said."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Brinksmanship Biden really shouldn't have said this:

    "I listened to him constantly using the N-word, that’s the N-word, and he’s constantly using it: the nuclear word. We say, ’Oh, he’s a nuclear power.’ But we’re a greater nuclear power. We have the greatest submarines in the world, the most powerful machines ever built. You should say, 'If you mention that word one more time, we're gonna send them over and we'll be coasting back and forth, up and down your coast."

    Oops, that bit of leadership is from the un-demented peacemaking strategist peacemaker you wish was still president instead of Biden. Donald Trump, handling this global crisis with restraint and wisdom.

    How unserious can conservatives get?
