Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Biden does the ol' "you can't fire me, I quit" twist

Putin's puppet didn't want to cut off oil revenues to his Russian buddy...until his hand was forced by Congress: "Democrats Hit New Level of Disarray Over Decision to Ban Russian Oil."
The Associated Press reported Tuesday morning that President Biden will ban imports of Russian oil, less than 24 hours after Jen Psaki sought to minimize the impact of the United States' share of the oil Russia exports and following a tense series of conversations between the White House and Democrat leaders on Capitol Hill.

Whether you agree with the ban or not, one thing is clear: Biden didn't lead on this decision. His team has been cagey at best when questions have come up about why Russian oil hadn't yet been banned amid multiple rounds of sanctions levied against Russian government officials and oligarchs. But the wheels really came off when the White House learned that the House Ways and Means Committee had been working on a bill over the weekend to ban Russian oil imports — from a press release issued Sunday night that was quietly removed some five minutes later.
Congress was drafting bipartisan legislation to shut down Russian oil imports and the White House got wind of it and tried to stop it.  When Nancy Pelosi demurred, Biden placed a personal call, but it was clear something was going to come out of Congress.

So, with the handwriting on the wall, Joe Biden bravely did the right thing.  Then he promptly declared there was nothing he could do to alleviate the price of gas at the pump.

Just like a leader who takes responsibility.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:13 AM

    It's going to be priceless when Biden beats Trump again.
