Monday, February 21, 2022

Why NPR sucks

I heard this story this afternoon about efforts to turn a Japanese internment camp into a national park.  Here's how it started out:
On the 80th anniversary of the executive order that sent 120,000 Japanese-Americans to internment camps, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland visits a camp she wants to include in the National Park System.
Take note of the passive voice on that executive order which sprang into existence like Athena from the head of Zeus.  Which President signed the most racist executive order in the history of the United States?

NPR never says.  Oh, we're treated to a long story about the efforts of certain activists to transform the previous camp into a national monument, but we'll never learn which President engendered this shameful chapter in American history.

It was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  Democrat FDR.  If you're accustomed to the political bias of the mainstream media, you'll be less-than-astonished to discover NPR omitted this fact.

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