Saturday, February 19, 2022

Paul Thomas Anderson's "Licorice PIzza"

So I've seen one movie nominated for Best Picture and it's "Licorice Pizza."  Twas good.  Here's a sweet piece of trivia:
None of the younger cast members were aware that Bradley Cooper was involved in the film until he came charging at them in full costume as the cameras were rolling. The final take used in the film where his character Jon Peters introduces himself and asks who is in charge was the first time Cooper Hoffman or Alana Haim saw him.
Haha, imagine setting up a scene and suddenly you're like: "Is that Bradley Cooper?"  The scene was funny because he basically cornered the main actor and threatened him with violence if anything happened to his house while his crew were setting up a water bed.

The movie went a little long with the "will they or won't they" Ross and Rachael thing, but overall it was fun retrospective on life in the San Fernando Valley in the early seventies, complete with the music to go with it.

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