Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Neanderthal thinking breaking out all over

Remember this?  "Biden says Texas and Mississippi guilty of ‘Neanderthal thinking’ over lifting COVID restrictions"
President Biden took a swipe at Republican governors in Texas and Mississippi Wednesday, accusing them of "Neanderthal thinking" following their decision to reverse COVID safety policies, including mask mandates.

Such good timing.  And those blue Democrats are embracing the suddenly changed Science: "Four blue states preparing to ditch mask mandates."  Meanwhile, in Glenn Youngkin's Virginia, the VA Senate voted overwhelmingly to allow parents to make the decision on their kids wearing masks in school. 


  1. Let's Go Darwin!8:54 PM

    New York just redistricted Republicans down from 7 competitive seats to 4, so you know their pols have to be running scared tonight.

    Connecticut and Oregon have had one Republican Rep (combined) in the past decade. That guy's feeling the red wave today! It can't be a "coincidence": those sissy states are terrified! They realize that the unmasked fist of freedom is coming for them this November.

    A Joe Biden quote took a year to expose that The Science (TM) has been a sham of a charade. But expose it, it has. Just devastating.

    These states have imposed and then lifted mask mandates before. But this time proves that the side of "Bleach, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, herd immunity, it's like the flu, Covid is a Democrat hoax, the vaccine kills but the media won't report it, masks are the Fourth Reich" was CORRECT ALL ALONG.

    Seek vindication, not vaccination!

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Republican credibility on the pandemic will be completely gone by Easter 2020.
