Friday, February 04, 2022

Grab your popcorn

Hot Air: "Reactions to day one of the Sarah Palin vs NY Times trial."

From a legal standpoint, it appears that Palin's case against the Gray Lady is an uphill battle.  But as a practical or moral matter, it's been a devastating condemnation of the obvious bias of the New York Times. They've had to argue in court - with a straight face - that when they smeared Palin with provably false statements it was just an "oopsie." with that.

Extra - Columbia Journalism Review: "The Washington Post noted that an attorney representing the Times “tried to turn down the temperature of the debate” in his opening statement by “casting the matter as a simple error in presentation that the paper’s editors moved as quickly as possible to correct."

Yes, the threat of a lawsuit will concentrate the mind wonderfully.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Sarah Palin's loss in court will be a devastating victory.

    The left can't stand the Canadian truckers' game-changing revolution.

    Biden's failure to cure cancer is a humiliating loss.

    You ok?

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Verdict: the popcorn was stale.
