Friday, January 07, 2022

Klain's retweet comes back to haunt

They're arguing the OSHA vaccine mandate in the Supreme Court today and I caught this blurb:

Chief Justice Roberts makes reference to a tweet retweeted by White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain, which described the OSHA mandate as a "workaround."

"I mean, this has been referred to the approach as a workaround. And I'm wondering what it is you're trying to work around?" he asks.

At the time, several legal bloggers called this an unforced error, all but admitting the Biden administration is trying to circumvent standing laws.  Great job, Ron!  The adults are back in charge.


So far all three liberal justices on the court have made it clear that they would back the federal mandate, and have in fact appeared somewhat astonished by the opposition to it.

No kidding.  Leading the charge is Sonia "Bake me a cake" Sotomayor who consistently views the law as some kind of roadbump to social justice.  As I've said many times: if they can twist a law that tells you how to set up a ladder into a national mandate for vaccinations, there is no such thing as limited government and no end to the "emergencies" that would be engendered.  

Extra - Hot Air: "Today's deep question: Will Twitter suspend Sotomayor for COVID misinformation?"  A font of misinformation and lies.

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