Wednesday, January 19, 2022

I can't believe I'm going to type these words

But here goes: the American mainstream media, the American press corps, did their collective job today.  They managed to ask some tough questions to a Democrat President today.

For the past year, we've been told over and over that questioning election integrity was tantamount to treason.  And yet here's Brandon clearly setting the new standard: elections are only legitimate when our side wins.  I can't be the only person who remembers the absolute heart palpitations when Trump said the exact same thing in one of the debates.  Nevertheless, Biden persisted.

Then there was the other question I wanted asked: hey, Joey, what was the deal with comparing opponents to that rotten legislation as equal to Bull Conner and George Wallace?  Applesauce Brain Biden: "oh, heavens, no I never did such a thing."  Twitchy: "Biden berates reporter for quoting what he said about opponents of ‘voting rights’ bill."

Brandon's "explanation" goes something like this: I never said they were like Bull Conner, only that they are on the same side of history as Bull Conner.

Oh.  It's similar to Bernie Sanders explanation on why he has three homes.  Many Soviet premiers have a summer home, don't ya know.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    "No fair! He said what we are. Out loud!"
