Thursday, December 16, 2021

NewSpeak in the newsroom

National Review: "The Meanings of Words Are Negotiable to the Media If Democrats Contest Them." - "The term “gaslighting” and references to Orwell’s Ministry of Truth get overused in political journalism these days, but this is as vivid an example as you could ask for. Simply by insisting that a longstanding word’s meaning is in dispute, propagandists get the Washington Post to treat the literal dictionary definition of a term as just what “Republicans consider” it to mean."

Republican lexicographers pounce!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Uncomfortable ideas must not be allowed to spread inside our newly minted democratic democracy. Freedom of speech and truth are the enemies of the uncivil and immoral that desperately need to hope and change US to anything other than a constitutional republic. The only way to rebuild our republic will entail removing the democrats from our democratic elections.
