Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Tax cuts for the rich

The Corner: "Democrats’ Shell Game on SALT Deduction." - "After all the talk about how everything was infrastructure, and the reconciliation bill was going to transform America, Democrats are prepared to make the single largest item in the bill the restoration of a tax deduction that primarily benefits the wealthy."


  1. Specifically, this would benefit residents in high-tax (read - Democrat) states like CA, NY, MA, etc. I had quite a few CA clients of mine bitch up a storm a few years ago when the SALT deduction was reduced to $10,000 and this would (of course) reverse it.

  2. They (states and localities) want the benefit of property tax revenues subsidized by the federal government.

    Also: did you hear that Nancy put family leave back into the reconciliation bill after it was already stripped out by the Senate? I think she's trying to sabotage the whole deal.
