Friday, October 08, 2021

Stagflation is here

Hot Air: "Expectation deflation: US adds fewer than 200K jobs in September."


Extra - Wall Street Journal: "U.S. Job Growth Falls to Slowest Pace of the Year." 

Related - NY Post: "Real cost of inflation to average American household: An extra $175 a month."


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Not good news, but adding 194,000 jobs in September slightly edges out losing 3 million jobs in four years.

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I'm not going to shut down the country.

    I'm not going to shut down the economy.

    I'm going to shut down the virus.

    Let's Go Brandon!

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    2017: "You're going to see some numbers that are really great. You're going to see great jobs numbers."

    2018: "This is the greatest economy that we've had in our history, the best."

    2019: "Our economy is the best it has ever been."

    2020: "Biggest and Best in the History of our Country, and not even close."

    The U.S. economy could have been even greater if we'd just lost 2 million jobs.

  4. Anonymous9:33 PM

    But why drag old wrong monkeyquotes back out into the light, when the cretinous un-American scumbag just said this TONIGHT:

    "We had the greatest jobs presidency in the history of our country."

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    January 2018: "Pay gains during Trump’s first year in office best since the Great Recession"

    October 2019: "Unemployment rate falls to its lowest level in 50 years."

    Your quotes are nice, though.

  6. Anonymous2:29 PM

    How'd that "You never had it so good" reelection message work out for ya last year?
