Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Friday's going to be lit, y'all

Hot Air: "Feeling Berned: Sanders insists on Medicare expansion, drug pricing for reconciliation."

Nancy Pelosi stated on one of the Sunday shows that there will be a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill and/or the reconciliation bill.  At this point, it's impossible to see that happening considering that everybody is drawing red lines.

Bernie insists on his $3.5 trillion "floor" while Manchin is on record insisting on less than half of that.  Taxes will have to go up but Sinema says that's not going to happen.  For every public statement, there are a handful of others in Congress who are avoiding criticism when a single vote in the Senate and three in the House will sink any legislation.

The best-worst choice for the Democrats would be to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill alone but it's altogether possible some peevish progressives will sink the whole thing without Bernie's socialist agenda.

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