Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Americans unappreciative of Afghan evacuation

Hot Air: "Cratering: New poll puts Biden approval below 40%." 


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Fornicating the canine that long and hard is their specialty. They seem upset that people can believe their lying eyes. History in deed repeats when the democratic socialists have any say about our future. Currently they are enslaving society for our own heath and safety from the terrible engineered flu. But only if you are still gainfully employed and refuse their goodness. Those living on your tax money do not need to worry about their freebies if they do not get vaxxed. If you fail to see a direct correlation to the same evil that lost WW2 you are part of the problem. Their insubordination is appalling as the century of fraud that got them where they are today. Fraud negates everything that follows and they know it. The uncivil and immoral lack authority over the civil and moral yet wield illegitimate power, use it against people for personal gain and sadistic pleasure. It is time to put these people out and our republic from of government back in to its little box it came in.

  2. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Thank you for your views, whiny diaper rash crackpot.
