Thursday, September 30, 2021

Two stories out of Western Massachusetts

Here in my neck of the woods, two stories have been getting national attention.  Hot Air: "Smith & Wesson bailing out of blue Massachusetts."

This battle of cultures has been going on for ages here in the People's Republic of Massachusetts and about once a year the anti-gun protesters show up outside the Springfield factory.  Last month, a billboard was put up right across the plant on I-291:

Just over Interstate 291, a billboard appears a few hundred yards from the Smith & Wesson factory of slain high school student Joaquin “Guac” Oliver, who was shot four times with a M&P15 rifle made by the Springfield-based factory.

“I can’t turn 21 and enjoy my first legal beer because a Florida teen was allowed to get his first legal AR-15,” the billboard reads.

Now Smith & Wesson is moving some production to Tennessee and laying off 550 workers from really well-paying jobs.

The second story is a report that Black students at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst have received anonymous hate emails.  But the university is hot on the trail: "UMass Amherst enlists leading cybersecurity firm in effort to unmask sender of racist emails sent to Black student groups."

At this point, I'm 90-95% sure this is yet another hate crime hoax so if/when these cybersleuths uncover the actual perpetrator, the story will either be buried or turned into a "teachable moment" for us all.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I have always been amazed at democrats ability to imagine those evil gunzits floating about indiscriminately murdering people at will under its own inanimate volition. Only because any democrat can not be held responsible for their evil actions in the heat of the moment. While reality does not confirm their insanity they still demand a common sense discussion when they clearly do not posses any common sense.
