Wednesday, September 01, 2021

A little sanity

Hot Air: "McConnell: We're not impeaching Biden over Afghanistan."

Basically, the argument here is that there is no "high crime or misdemeanor" in Biden's gross incompetence and, even if you believe there was, the remedy is at the ballot box. 


  1. actually there is TREASON. I think the elements of this crime are very similar to what Benedict Arnold did at West Point.

  2. Yep - they tried Trump twice for far less.

  3. Anonymous1:37 PM

    And now you know the rest of the story. One side of the coin refuses to call out the their side of the coin because they will get to go to jail and or the hang man together. We have long lost our elected representative type of government. These unholy aberrations of humanity only want power over you for their own amusement and to enrich themselves as they have done for generations. It is treason to abandon the same people that you took an oath to support and defend as their elected representative. Anyone that tries to convince otherwise is trying to keep their own freedoms and or head on their shoulders. We need to shut down the government for a couple of weeks to contain the spread of the lethal infection we know as either socialism or communism against US. Although it could take a bit longer......................

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Impeaching Biden makes no political sense, there's not enough votes to do so for one, and even the attempt would make Biden sympathetic to a certain subset of voters. No sense in helping the Democrats, who are rushing to give away the next 2 election cycles. Biden's already a lame duck 6 months in; in a year from now it will be interesting to see if anybody is brave/dumb enough to want Biden to make campaign appearances for their congressional elections. They'll end up trotting out Obama instead.
