Saturday, August 14, 2021

This chaos is more chaotic than expected

Hot Air: "Collapse: Marine vanguard to Kabul."
In multiple provinces, the Taliban have already begun burning down schools that accepted girls as students. In Takhar province earlier this week, three women who were riding home in a rickshaw were stopped by Taliban fighters and lashed and beaten in the street for wearing “revealing sandals.”

It’s still possible that we’ll pull off this evacuation without any additional loss of life to Americans or the Afghan workers inside the green zone. But it’s also possible that we won’t. As I’ve said here in the past, right now is a time for action, but when all of this is said and done, we will need to have full congressional hearings to determine how the planning for this exit was botched so badly and who should have had the foresight to know that the Taliban was always going to do precisely what they are doing right now.

1 comment:

  1. samir sardana10:52 AM

    Taliban has formed the government in Kabul !

    It is the grand success of "Directorate S" of ISI !

    S = 19th alphabet of the English Language,in the year when the world is plagued by COVID -19!

    This is Taliban version 2,and so Directorate S + 2 = 21,which is the year 2021 !

    Taliban hoisted the flag in Panjshir on 06.09.2021 = 11 in numerics !

    Taliban declared govtt on 07.09.2021

    Taliban declared 33 members of the Govtt,which is HALF the books of the Bible - as the other half Islam does NOT accept !

    Govtt on 7th
    Month is 9th
    Taliban is version 2

    On a Artithmetic Progression of 2 - the date of innaugration of Taliban state has to be the 11th !

    7 - 9 - 11 !

    It is a divine signal and the start of the Islamic Reinassance !

    Now the question is what time will the ceremony start on the 11th !

    This is PROVIDENCE ! dindooohindoo
