Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The media just can't hide it

Rich Lowry: "The Media's Finest Hour."
The White House is unfamiliar with what it’s like to be on the receiving end of the kind of media feeding frenzy that Florida governor Ron DeSantis experiences every other day (almost always involving spurious storylines).

But on Afghanistan, Joe Biden in effect set out to test how much shameless incompetence and dishonesty the media would accept. The answer? Not nearly enough.

The press is blatantly biased and has become even more so over time, repeatedly propagating false narratives that have shredded its credibility. Still, there are limits beyond which even it can’t be pushed.
I must say that I feel the same way and the lack of "Republicans pounce!" articles is proof-positive.  The cynic in me would say that journalists trapped in Afghanistan are the proverbial "liberal who has been mugged."  But I won't say that and just be happy they're doing their unbiased jobs for once.

Even CNN can't hide it.  CNN!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    "Ron DeSantis, media martyr?" Hard pass.
