Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The media implosion continues apace

Shot: "Partisan divides in media trust widen, driven by a decline among Republicans."


  1. ...with the biggest one being the fact that Cillizza failed to assign any blame at all to the media itself ...

    My asshole CPA cousin (now a former CPA, heh) shared this character flaw and it's undoubtedly part of his epic downfall - people like that are simply incapable of ever admitting they're wrong, and go out of their way to make excuses, deflect blame, etc. rather than admit they fucked something up. Because of that, they keep making the same mistakes over and over and never allow for some sort of corrective feedback loop.

  2. The polls showing that Democrats think the media is doing a great job while Republicans and Independents think the media sucks has been going on for decades now, long before Trump.

    But these clowns are incapable of adjusting course, even after promising to get in touch with middle America after the 2016 election.
