Sunday, August 22, 2021

Nobody should, any longer, pretend that Joe Biden is fit to lead this nation

National Review: "Joe Biden Is Who We Said He Was."  
The pandemic was a godsend, allowing him to hide in his basement for months and avoid unscripted questions. He won the election by making himself as small and low-profile as he needed to be. Opinion polls for much of this year have shown him enjoying a honeymoon period with voters tired of Trump who are happy to have an absentee president for a while.

Biden’s handling of Afghanistan has exposed all of that. Presidents can remain aloof from Capitol Hill. They can send out underlings to handle public-health guidance, lawsuits, or new regulations. But foreign crises demand active, personal leadership. That has gone badly. Everyone who said for decades that Biden was a lightweight ill-equipped to handle a major crisis has been vindicated.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, one who always overestimated and oversold his meager achievements.  And, for me, that's the thing I despise about Biden.  If he had a bit of self-awareness about his limitations, I could lend some sympathy.  But this guy has been blowing his own Cornpop Horn for 50 years and now his comeuppance is here. 


  1. Anonymous3:32 AM

    If there's any good news in this, the Democrats have left themselves with no electable candidate for President in 24. They've fucked up so badly, that arguably Hillary is the most electable Democrat for national office right now.

  2. Do you know who *could* get elected from the recent pack? Tulsi Gabbard.

  3. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Maybe, but she's no establishment favorite either. After she eviscerated Harris and single highhandedly torpedoed Harris' presidential ambitions in the debate, the party insiders immediately went on the attack to defend Harris. "Gabbard is too cozy and easy on the Russians. Russian's bots made #KamalaHarrisDestroyed trend on twitter."

    The Russian boogeyman playbook works against any candidate not in the cool kids club, red or blue.
