Thursday, August 05, 2021

Impeach Biden

National Review: "The Eviction-Moratorium Decree: Why It’s Unconstitutional"
Consequently, by unilaterally decreeing a moratorium extension in the teeth of that ruling, President Biden is acting in bad faith. It is now a constitutional offense. Specifically, and in blatant violation of his solemn duty to execute the laws faithfully, Biden has usurped Congress’s legislative authority and declared the power to legislate. He is running roughshod over the separation of powers, which is the foundation of our constitutional framework, limiting power and preserving liberty.

That is why this is a constitutional violation, one even more profound than a theorized violation stemming from the Commerce Clause — since Biden has been admonished by the Supreme Court that what he is now doing would be wrong. Moreover, the administration publicly conceded on Monday that there was no “legal authority for even new, targeted eviction moratoriums.”

There is also no doubt that Democrats, who twice impeached President Trump for abusing his office, would be calling for the impeachment of a Republican president who did such a thing.
Even the Washington Post can't paper over this impeachable offense and note the double standard:
If the Trump administration had ignored a direct warning from the Supreme Court, Democrats would rightfully line up to condemn the president. Mr. Biden does not get a pass on the rule of law because his heart is in the right place.
Oh, liberals love their good intentions: it's a free pass to do whatever they want "for the children."  This must be the return to normal we were told about.

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