Monday, July 26, 2021

What happened to the ACLU?

The Corner: "The ACLU Promotes an Absurd Conspiracy Theory about the Second Amendment."

The liberal organization used to have a core mission of defending the liberties spelled out in the Bill of Rights.  Now it looks like the Second Amendment is as flexible as their new position on the First: "The ACLU Retreats From Free Expression"
The American Civil Liberties Union has explicitly endorsed the view that free speech can harm “marginalized” groups by undermining their civil rights. “Speech that denigrates such groups can inflict serious harms and is intended to and often will impede progress toward equality,” the ACLU declares in new guidelines governing case selection and “Conflicts Between Competing Values or Priorities.”

This is presented as an explanation rather than a change of policy, and free-speech advocates know the ACLU has already lost its zeal for vigorously defending the speech it hates. 

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