Thursday, June 24, 2021

Unsurprising and so satisfying

There it is, American media: you're the worst.  The absolute worst: "U.S. Has Lowest Trust of Media In 46 Countries Surveyed, According to Reuters Institute Report."

Remember how after Trump surprised everybody and you guys were going to engage in some introspection?  For example, this New York Times article on November 9th, 2016: "How Did the Media — How Did We — Get This Wrong?"
Mr. Rutenberg had just finished writing about how the media had missed Mr. Trump’s wide appeal, and what that misfire says about journalists’ flawed understanding of major swaths of our country.
You guys were going to have a corn dog at the Iowa State Fair and rub elbows (the suede elbows on your tweed jackets) with the NASCAR fans.  But soon you fell back on your insular, hive-mind, bi-coastal ways and here we are.  Or rather, there you are.  At the bottom.

You earned this, American media.

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