Thursday, June 03, 2021

It really isn't

Twitchy: "New York Times’ Ben Smith finds it ‘really amazing’ how the media mostly looked away from the lab-leak theory."

These no-talent ass clowns never learn.  You'd think the shock of the 2016 election and a breathless year of "Russia! Russia! Russia!" would force these dopes into some introspection.  Instead, they seem to have doubled down on woke.  They found a hero in Anthony Fauci because he was not Trump and mortgaged their credibility:
While the propagandist media is busy fawning over Fauci as some sort of superhuman godlet who was single-handedly battling WuFlu in some kind of one-man cage match against President Trump and the Wuhan coronavirus, these emails reveal a startling truth. They tell the story not just of Fauci’s blatant, politically-motivated lies to the public but also the great lengths the legacy media and Big Tech went to shut down any discussion of the virus’s origins or mask use efficacy. It was not about stopping the spread of “misinformation” but was a calculated political ploy to shut down the truth.  But we knew that.  And now we have proof.

Legal Insurrection’s very own Leslie, in her extensive coverage of the virus, posted reports that COVID-19 may have originated in a Chinese lab in March 2020. Such statements were deemed “misinformation” and banned from YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Ben Smith is now the media critic at the New York Times and this happened on his watch:
Last week [July 2020], the Times ran a story about a 30-year-old Texas man who believed COVID-19 was a hoax and contracted the disease at a “COVID party” before dying. Every detail of the story was uncorroborated, which made it exactly the kind of urban legend that moral panics produce. Though it was viral on social media, because it confirmed all the prejudices of the Times’s energized liberal readership, the Times began to edit the story as it was criticized here in National Review and in Wired. The entire tone of the story went from credulous to skeptical, but you wouldn’t have noticed the difference if you hadn’t been paying close attention, because no editor’s notes were appended to it announcing the changes. The Times has begun “stealth editing” its stories in this manner more and more lately, effacing the traditional journalistic ethic that seeks to keep an intact record not just of the news, but of how the reporting of the news evolves.
I've highlighted the very important part to explain how narrative has supplanted fact in the media.  "Amazing," Ben?  Nope, it's the all-too-predictable result of the hive mentality in the Bubble.

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