Monday, May 03, 2021

Mad Libs for race hustlers

Every major newspaper has one: the black columnist who writes the same column over and over and over.  The Boston Globe has the awful Renee Graham but the New York Times has Charles Blow who has extruded the next column on his assembly line of race grievance.  This one is called: "Is America a Racist Country?"

Spoiler alert: Blow says "yes."  These articles have become so boilerplate, they can be filled in like a Mad Libs page on a bad baseball team. 

Step One: "Can you believe this guy?" preaching to the choir:
Last Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina added himself to the long list of Republicans who have denied the existence of systemic racism in this country. Graham said on “Fox News Sunday” that “our systems are not racist. America’s not a racist country.”
Can you believe this white guy?  How can he, or Tim Scott, or Kamala Harris deny we live in a racist country?  C'mon!

Step Two: The history from 150+ years ago:
Eight of the first 10 presidents personally enslaved Africans. In 1856, the chief justice of the United States wrote in the infamous ruling on the Dred Scott case that Black people “had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”
That's right: nothing - nothing at all - has changed since Dred Scott.  Not Brown v. Board of Education, not the Civil Rights Act, not the Fair Housing Act.  We're always living in the sin of Dred Scott.

Step Three: Hard evidence of systemic racism (just kidding):
So, what does it mean for a system to be racist? Does the appellation depend on the system in question being openly, explicitly racist from top to bottom, or simply that there is some degree of measurable bias embedded in those systems? I assert the latter.
He sure does.  Blow can't demonstrate there's any system or institution that is explicitly racist, so we're left to fall back on the old disparate outcome dodge.  It goes like this: if there are racial disparities, it can only be explained by racism.  See how easy it is!  It certainly explains why the NBA is 75% black: racism against white guys.

Every single article is exactly like this, but Blow insists we need a "genuine debate among honest intellectuals" because, in his mind, he's the honest intellectual in this drama.  Only a racist would say otherwise in the ultimate win-win.

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