Friday, March 05, 2021

"Kids in cages" is hereby banished

Ace: "With Border Crisis Growing, Biden Seeks to Rename Detention Centers as "Reception Centers"."

Watch how the compliant media will pick up on this new terminology.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Watch how conservatives keep trying to convince anyone that intent is meaningless.

    Ace of Spades’ article is about political correctness, encouraging undocumented immigration, imaginary voter fraud by Mexicans, Biden secretly copying Trump, insufficient border security resources, shelter capacity, a secret plot to engineer a humanitarian crisis to force new immigration laws, an imaginary future violation of the Constitution, Homeland Security mind-reading, compromised NeverTrumpers on someone’s payroll, the unfairness of social media and Trump’s much-missed Twitter feed, Biden the furtive radical, K Street grifting, and general sniping at pundits (I may have missed a few other topics).

    It’s a great think piece. Really focused.
