Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Federalist: "Democrats Plot To Kill Filibuster Because They Only Care About Power."

Friends of the conservative persuasion keep sending me panicked emails and texts about the Democrats eliminating the legislative filibuster in the Senate.

I just don't see it happening.

Getting rid of the filibuster would be a "crossing the Rubicon" moment in American history.  The Democrats already triggered the "nuclear option" on judicial nominees and it blew back on them spectacularly with Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.  At this moment, the Democrats hold a 50-50 "majority" in the Senate with the midterms coming up in 2022, where the President's party typically loses several seats in Congress.  Do the Democrats really want to kneecap minority rights in the Senate right before they lose it?  Who knows, man, those cats are wild.

Aside from Joe Manchin and Kristin Sinema, I suspect there are other established Democrats who understand the consequences of eliminating the filibuster and, silence aside, will not vote to cut their own throats.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Minority Leader McConnell stood on the Senate floor and said that if the filibuster is dropped, Democrats would accomplish even less because Republicans would slow even the most mundane parts of the Biden agenda to a crawl... and then, when Republicans take power, they would use the lack of a filibuster to ram through conservative policies unfettered "on Day One."


    He also said that the 2020 election was not a mandate for the winning side to do as they wish. (Guess what he said in 2016.)

    He's scared.
