Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Endgame time for Cuomo

ABC News: "Cuomo should resign if allegations confirmed: Biden in exclusive ABC News interview."

Cuomo is now in the position where he's going to have to contend that seven women are making it up.  Unlike the charge against Brett Kavanaugh, there's actual evidence that Cuomo and these women have met.

Let's not forget about all the dead grandparents, too.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Day 23 of the Cuomo scandal is definitely hotter news to write about than the National Intelligence report, just issued today, showing that Russia had Rudy Giuliani and other useful collaboratchiks promote disinformation to influence its second consecutive election.

  2. Maybe you can write about it on your blog.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM


    "The Media Does Not Want You To Read, Share, or Discuss The New York Post's Hunter Biden Scoop."

    "With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story"

    "NYTs Tries Desperate Anti-Trump Hit to Distract From Hunter Biden, Makes Things Worse."


    (That example died choking on its own poison with yesterday's intelligence report, but you get the idea.)

  4. That comment sucked. Write about something else.

  5. Anonymous10:47 PM

    The polls?
    Flurry of polls provide boost to Biden

    The loser?
    Trump faces an onslaught of legal problems

    The virus?
    Biden on track to pass 100M vaccinations, with time to spare
    72 percent approve of Covid relief law

    The future?
    The GOP’s Political Nightmare: Running Against a Recovery

    How to choose, how to choose? Everything looks so delicious!

  6. Anonymous11:03 PM

    How about the ludicrous?
    Trump allies counting on Ron DeSantis to refuse extradition to New York if ex-president gets indicted
