Saturday, February 20, 2021

The ongoing press embargo

New Neo: "Biden and the Big COVID Lie"
The first point – an obvious one – is that there is no serious effort by the press to call Biden on anything he does or says. If Biden knows anything at this point (and he does still know quite a few things) he knows that. Here and there you may see some mild fact-checking, but the administration knows it has a general pass ... to make whatever claim it wants.
To be fair, the Washington Post fact-checker called out Kamala Harris for the exact same lie that Biden keeps repeating.  So that's something. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:26 PM

    67% approve of Biden's Covid-19 response. 31% disapprove.

    Trump rioted his way out of office with just 40% approval for his Covid-10 response.
