Saturday, February 06, 2021

San Fran sues itself

Associated Press: "San Francisco sues its own school district to reopen classes."

I'm unclear on how this happens.  Isn't the school district an extension of the city government?  Or is it considered some kind of independent entity?  I don't see why the government can't go all Reagan vs. PATCO on the teachers.


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I don't see why the government can't go all Reagan vs. PATCO on the teachers.

    Because the Covid pandemic is not conservative wish fulfillment fanfic?

    Today must be a "unilateral executive orders are GOOD" day!

    From the linked AP article above:
    Since the start of the pandemic, San Francisco has been on the cutting edge of COVID-19 restrictions. It was among the first U.S. cities to order a shutdown as part of other aggressive measures and has the lowest infection rates of any urban area in California.

    That was nice, but enough is enough.

  2. "Today must be a "unilateral executive orders are GOOD" day!"

    Show me a single time I criticized Biden's executive orders.
