Monday, February 01, 2021

Now it's safe to tell the truth about Cuomo

Following up on a New York Times article today titled "9 Top N.Y. Health Officials have quit as Cuomo scorns expertise" the Federalist torches the enablers in the media: "As Health Officials Resign, Cuomo Says He Doesn’t Trust The Experts - Nine top health officials in New York have resigned in recent months because Gov. Andrew Cuomo refused to listen to them."
In a strange way, Cuomo himself is a victim of the media here. They don’t care about him; they never actually liked him that much. They just used him to make the other guy look bad. Now, with Cuomo having served his purpose, his sycophants in the press are happily flaming him for clicks or a good headline. I can’t feel sorry for him; his choices were his own, but one can’t help wonder if they might have been a little different had the media been honest with us and with him.

What we are learning as Trump recedes from power and the media resumes some modicum of truth-telling is just how badly they lied to us for over a year now. People have been destroyed because of it. Now as the corporate press happily flicks the halo from atop Saint Andrew’s head with their finger, the truth is coming out. It is far too late. And the people of America, not just New York, have every reason to be very, very angry about it.
And as a cherry on top, here's notable non-partisan Chris Cillizza of objective CNN with a representative headline for Saint Cuomo: "Andrew Cuomo's Covid-19 performance may have been less stellar than it seemed."

Oh.  It's praising with faint criticism.  

Extra - The Corner: "Apparently now that Donald Trump is out of office, it is safe to take a clear-eyed look at the performance of prominent Democratic officeholders and speak honestly about it."  And perhaps correct the record on Republican officeholders.  


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Spoiler alert:
    Future historians aren't going to look back on the criminal enabling of deliberate Covid malfeasance in this time period and say, "Cuomo!"

    Again, Where Does DeSantis Get His Apology

    "How about nowhere? Is nowhere good for you?"

  2. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I do enjoy the exaggerated fury over the uncontroversial idea that Cuomo was only good because Trump was so bad...

    ...followed by the logical pivot that if Cuomo is bad, then that makes DeSantis good!
