Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Joe Biden's Gulag Archipelago

We all saw this story developing months ago.  Hot Air: "Crisis Looms: Surge In Unaccompanied Minors Heading To The U.S.-Mexico Border."  So, of course, these kids need to be detained while Homeland Security figures out how to process their cases.

How would the media react?  Well, last week we saw that "tent cities" had magically transformed into "soft-sided facilities."  But how could they spin the obvious cage-like properties of shipping containers used to detain these unaccompanied minors?  Could they possibly reveal their complete hypocrisy by giving Sleepy Joe a pass?

Oh, they can, and they will.  Twitchy: "To the rescue! WaPo firefighter rides in to set the record straight once and for all about Joe Biden’s ‘kids in cages’."  Ackshually, they're "migrant facilities" don't ya know.  Ace has a complete rundown of "before and after" posts here: "Gimme Shelter: Biden Now Putting Kids in Cages "Shelters," and the Media Is Gushing About It!"  They're like super-fun clubhouses!

With so much room for activities.  Why is media trust in the tank?  Truly, it's a left-wing riddle wrapped up in a New York Times enigma, chased down the street by pitchforks.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:52 PM

    It says "Unaccompanied Minors" right there in the Hot Air headline, you goof.

    "Children in cages," "children in cages because the racist Stephen Miller ordered that children and infants be separated from their families without policy, funding or concern to ever reunite them." It's the same thing!
