Sunday, February 14, 2021

It's complicated

The media have two hard and fast rules for covering stories.  Rule #1 is that if a story is unflattering to Republicans, that's the story; if it's unflattering to Democrats the story is "Republicans pounce!"

Rule #2 is that when "fact checkers" are called to referee, those damaging stories for Democrats are either "complicated" or "totally false."  


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Question: If a Republican ever stopped believing he was always the victim, would he exist at all?

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    It is complicated to explain how they can be evil and yet still represent the civil and moral in our republic.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    So true. But some don't understand that to establish civility and morality in our republic, sometimes you gotta break a few Officer Sicknicks.

  4. "The NY Times Retracts the Sicknick Story"

    Another story where the narrative ran ahead of the facts, which could be safely reported after impeachment.

  5. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Whoa! You mean he's alive again? HOORAY!

    Sicknick is dead because of your Moron Brigade. Go write Fake News on his tombstone.

    And give a HIGH TWO to the surviving officer who only lost three of his fingers!

  6. Nope, he's as dead as David Dorn or a nursing home grandma in Albany.
