Friday, February 19, 2021

"How does this keep happening?" - rake-stepping media

Axios: "Media trust hits new low."  This story reports that it's not just an American phenomenon: trust in the media is down around the world and "Mistrust of media is now a central part of many Americans' personal identity — an article of faith that they weren't argued into and can't be argued out of."

Haha, cry me a river.

The media is suddenly discovering that this Andrew Cuomo guy is a bad, bad man
It might be understandable that politicians who need to work with Cuomo didn’t want to challenge Cuomo’s behavior publicly. But where was the media while this “stuff of legend” played out? Shouldn’t they have been reporting this all along, and not just when Cuomo finally let it rip against a member of his own caucus?
The media had other priorities, obviously. They spent the last year lionizing Cuomo, hailing his leadership in the COVID-19 pandemic as a contrast to You Know Who in the White House. Cuomo spent the year getting feted by the glitterati, winning an Emmy for holding press conferences and going on tour bragging about how he beat the virus while covering up how his policies may have led to thousands of unnecessary deaths in nursing homes.

Extra - Daily Signal: "Cuomo Revelations Should Embarrass Media."  As if they were capable of embarrassment.

Also - Federalist: "Andrew Cuomo Didn’t Create The Myth Of Andrew Cuomo, Corporate Media Did" - "The myth of Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, Master of Pandemics, Destroyer of Trump, Boyfriend of America didn't create itself: It was the creation of U.S. media."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Other priorities: "ABC 'World News Tonight' gives Cruz Cancun fiasco four times more coverage than Cuomo nursing home scandal."

    You mean the thing that just happened got quadruple the coverage on the day it happened than the thing that has been covered for eight days?

    Truly this is a new low for the... what is it called again?... news.
