Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Cabin fever in the time of covid

I came across a discussion board post that was one of those "sign of the times" moments, and I wanted to share and say "I feel ya buddy."

Let me preface this by saying that I'm one of those Disney people.  I've been to Disney World nearly every other year since my kids were little and, once they got too big for rides, we've done Disney cruises.  Our last one was in November 2019, right before corona, and we had a fantastic time.  Since then, I've taken one week of vacation and that's because my boss said I had to take time or lose it.  I couldn't leave the state so we spent a week in September on Cape Cod.  It was OK, but just OK.

So I had a little chuckle at this poor soul on the Disboards DCL forum who was asked if he/she would put up with a long list of travel restrictions if it meant going on a cruise:
honestly right now, as someone who has worked straight through since March without a break, and leaves the house less than once a month, I would be ok with ALL of this. I haven't been further than 5 km from my house in months, and the only human contact I have is with my mom, who I live with. If this is what it takes to go on a cruise and to be somewhere other than my house, then so be it, when does check in open.
Haha - oh man.  I could totally put up with wearing a mask, socially-distanced activities, and even confinement to quarters at certain times.  But I wouldn't go if certain dining options were closed down such as the buffets or the premiere restaurants.  C'mon, man, you gotta eat.

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