Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Hot Air: "Endgame: McConnell Reportedly Believes Trump Committed Impeachable Offenses, “Pleased” That He’s Being Impeached."  


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    What do you do with an orange after you've squeezed out all the juice there is to squeeze?

  2. Shove it up your boyfriend's ass, of course.

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Awww... Closeted Stupid is sad!

    Thanks again for the Senate, loser.

  4. Don't forget the Astroglide!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Meanwhile, moving on from Roger's trauma to things that matter:

    House Rep. Mikie Sherrill says that some members of Congress led groups of people through the Capitol Building on a "reconnaissance" tour one day before the riot that laid a deadly siege on the government's legislative branch.

    "Not only do I intend to see that the President is removed, and never runs for office again and doesn’t have access to classified material. I also intend to see that those members of Congress who abetted him, those members of Congress who had groups coming to the Capitol that I saw on January 5th in reconnaissance for the next day."

    Sherrill did not specify whether the "groups" were visibly staunch adherents of President Trump's, nor did she detail what she described as "a reconnaissance," a term that hearkens back to Sherrill's prior military service and refers to an exploratory mission for the purpose of gaining enemy information.

    If she's correct, get ready for a whole lot of unity.
