Saturday, January 16, 2021

Of course

Red State: "Apple's Tim Cook Just Comes Right Out and Says It About Canceling Parler: 'We Don't Consider That Free Speech'."  


  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Again, privately-owned Apple is like a bakery. And Parler is like a wedding cake that would have said, "Congratulations Charles and David."

    If it made you happy before, you should be twice as happy now.

  2. I don't think I've ever said a privately-owned business, newspaper, or blog, doesn't have the right to control their content.

    It would just be nice if they had some consistency. Questioning the election results was all the rage in 2016; now it's treason.

    For some reason.

  3. Anonymous9:31 PM

    It would just be nice if they had some consistency. Questioning the election results was all the rage in 2016; now it's treason. For some reason.

    Surely you can come up with a reason or two to demonstrate why those things and those people and those circumstances are different in kind. I assume you're a kindergarten graduate, yes?

  4. Why don't you explain it to me?

  5. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Sorry, I don't offer remedial obviousness lessons. Maybe I'll send you a gay sympathy cake.

    You'll be fine on your own, as long as you always remember that 2016 Russian coordination was fake but 2020 election fraud is real.
