Saturday, January 30, 2021


Twitchy: "Tweets from CNN’s Chris Cillizza praising Gov. Cuomo & slamming Gov. DeSantis among those that have disappeared."  


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    But not nearly as funny as a New York Post financial reporter seeing some person joke on Twitter that he'd just taken out a second mortgage on his parents' home "while they were at work" in order to buy Gamestop and AMC stock...

    ...and the Post reporting it as an "exclusive"...

    ...followed by Fox News picking up and publishing the story.

    The story. The story about someone definitely getting a bank to process, approve and pay out an instantaneous second mortgage in half a day, on property the person did not own, without informing the owners. Confirmed by a Murdoch financial reporter and her editors.

    Mysteriously, the NY Post and Fox News articles have disappeared.

  2. Archive(.is) everything! If you’re on your phone, take screenshots.

  3. That IS a hilarious story of journalistic malpractice.

    Today the New York Times is reporting that everything they said about Andrew Cuomo is wrong and he singlehandedly killed thousands of New Yorkers, confirming what conservatives have been saying for months.


  4. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Cuomo was excessively hailed because the president was a cretinous saboteur who gave himself a 10 and said science is stupid. That political dynamic was not complicated. It was open and obvious.

    "Singlehandedly killed thousands"? Trump looks at that paltry total and says, "Loser."

    The one true positive here is that Cuomo won an F.U. Emmy, while Trump is bitterly unhappy that he never won an Emmy and still complains about it.

    Doesn't make up for kids in cages and tear gassing Americans and plotting sedition, but even his childish miseries are a public boon.
