Thursday, January 28, 2021

Lesson #1: Cover up Grandma's death

Six months ago there was this curious statistic:
As far back as May 5, we were writing about curious undercounts in New York’s tally of nursing-home deaths. In the August story, the AP noted the bizarre fact that New York’s “official” percentage of COVID deaths attributable to nursing-home residents was freakishly lower than in other neighboring states. In New Jersey it was 44 percent, in Massachusetts 64 percent, and in Pennsylvania 68 percent. In New York it was … 20 percent. “Whatever the cause, there is no way New York could be truly at 20%,” said one geriatric expert about the figure.
Far from putting the heat on Cuomo, he was being lauded for his handling of the virus.  Now Janice Dean has some thoughts.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Cuomo should have put them out to sea, Trump style.

    "The [CDC] would like to have the people come off [an infected cruise ship]. I’d rather have the people stay. But I’d go with the [CDC]. I told them to make the final decision. I would rather, because I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault."

    The utterly unlikeable Andrew Cuomo got excessive praise due to the novelty of acknowledging Covid bad news without being forced to, of expressing sorrow, and of speaking directly.

    Cuomo's treatment shows how idiotically Donald Trump killed his own reelection chances by doing the exact opposite.

    Lesson #2:
    Undercounting of Covid-19 deaths is greatest in pro-Trump areas, analysis shows
