Tuesday, December 01, 2020

The struggle sessions are real

Quillette: "Race and Social Panic at Haverford: A Case Study in Educational Dysfunction."
The school-wide November 5th Zoom call, a recording of which has been preserved, was hosted by Wendy Raymond, Haverford’s president. At the time, the elite Pennsylvania liberal arts college was a week into a student strike being staged, according to organizers, to protest “anti-blackness” and the “erasure of marginalized voices.” During the two-hour-and-nine-minute discussion, viewed in real time by many of the school’s 1,350 students, Raymond presented herself as solemnly apologetic for a litany of offenses. She also effusively praised and thanked the striking students for educating her about their pain, while “recognizing that I will never understand what it means to be a person of color or be black or indigenous in the United States. I am a white woman with considerable unearned privilege.”
Confess your sins to the state, entitled bourgeois scum.
Since 2015, when Yale rolled over in response to student harassment of two husband-and-wife faculty members, such self-abasement rituals have become common—even if the prevalence of teleconferencing during the COVID-19 pandemic has given us an unprecedented opportunity to watch them unfold.
In the end, Jonathan Kay comes to the depressing conclusion that it's better for the school administration to assuage some of the most privileged students in America and keep collecting that $54,000 tuition. 


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Sieg Heil! BLM = Terrorists & Tyrants. Just like the KKK and Nazi party before them...

  2. Anonymous12:27 AM

    "Terrorists just like the KKK and Nazis"? Wow, Republicans really are turning on each other.

  3. Robert Byrd9:17 AM

    Hey, let's have a fun game. You list all past Republican elected officials who were KKK members, and I'll then list all Democrat ones.

    You do want to play, don't you?

  4. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Mr. Ha Ha 2016, retreating to the past? Who'd've ever thunk it?

  5. Robert Byrd9:14 AM

    "Yikes! That's a game I do not want to play! Let me change the subject - Fast!"

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Me: Republicans are the choice of white supremacists in 2020.

    You: But what about the guy who got elected in 1958?

    Me: Ha ha, look at Trolly with nothing to say about 2020.

    You: Stop changing the subject!!!


  7. Robert Byrd8:38 PM

    2020? You mean the year pre-eminent white supremacist Richard Spencer made the choice: "I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket...I simply recognize how ineffective, useless, and traitorous the GOP is."

  8. Anonymous12:24 AM

    "We're too amoral and hopeless even for Nazis" is your alibi?

    To repeat my comment that summoned you from your sadness hole sabbatical: Wow, Republicans really are turning on each other.

  9. Robert Byrd9:40 AM

    "We attract Nazis" is your consolation?

  10. Anonymous4:09 PM

    A month in your sadness hole was enough time that you should have emerged with something far less idiotic than this.
