Saturday, December 12, 2020

The MSM prepares for its 4-year nap

Hot Air: "CNN’s April Ryan To Other Journalists: Stop Exposing Leaks On Biden." 

Later, she wasn't even aware she was being ridiculed for her position.  


  1. Anonymous12:46 AM

    As Republicans prepare to jolt awake and resume their deep 2009-16 convictions on "activist judges," democratic elections, deficit spending, transparency, executive orders, corruption, press conference frequency, free markets, abusive litigation, foreign alliances, the rule of law, states rights, obeying subpoenas, fair trade, presidential character...

  2. Yup. Gonna be great.

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Ah yes. Mitch McConnell is squeezing in a few last ditch judge confirmations against a century of precedent because he knows the next four (eight? twelve?) years are "gonna be great."

  4. And he'll still be around to approve Biden's nominees. Sounds great to me!

  5. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Yeah, but you just know that Biden will F up the process by only nominating qualified candidates.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Love how liberals change the definition of qualified to suit their agenda. For normal people, qualified means able to do the job and has the pre-requisite skills and education. For liberals, qualified means "agree's with my agenda".

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    The American Bar Association rates the judicial candidates for nomination. It has done so since 1953 when Dwight Eisenhower requested it of them.

    There are only three ratings: well qualified, qualified and not qualified.

    McConnell has confirmed seven of Trump's nine "not qualified" candidates for lifetime appointments. Obama did not nominate a single "not qualified" judicial candidate in eight years.

    Sorry, you were saying something about reflexive partisan bias?
