Thursday, December 10, 2020

Swalwell must lose his seat on the Intel committee

Fox News: "Growing number of top Republicans call for Swalwell removal from House Intelligence Committee." 

I'm a huge fan of the show "The Americans" about Russian secret agents living in the U.S. and all the schemes they use to extract information.  The "honey pot" is a regular technique due to its effectiveness (at least on the show).  Information is gained by:

1) Pillow talk - "Tough day at work?  Tell me all about it."
2) Access - once you invite the spy into your bedroom, he/she will start rifling through your briefcase while you're taking a shower.
3) Bugging/surveillance - or, he'll plant a recording device in that briefcase or a clock on a shelf.
4) Blackmail - I was as surprised as Ace that Swalwell is married.  There's always that chance the honey trap will lay out pictures with the implicit threat of exposure if he doesn't produce the goods.

No matter how you cut it, this is an astonishing lapse of judgement.  Swalwell must go.


Anonymous said...

Daily Beast:
Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner lashed out Thursday afternoon at Fox contributor Marie Harf after the liberal pundit accurately pointed out that the network had largely ignored Wednesday’s record-setting coronavirus death toll. In response, Faulkner claimed Harf’s mere observation was “offensive” and that she “can’t see my heart.”

While coronavirus deaths, hospitalizations, and cases surge to new levels and the United States netted more than 3,000 deaths on Wednesday, Fox News has largely focused its COVID-19 coverage on slamming Democratic politicians for perceived hypocrisy over lockdowns, insisting once again that coronavirus restrictions are unnecessary.

Prior to Thursday’s broadcast of afternoon talk show Outnumbered, Fox News had only devoted 20 seconds of coverage to Wednesday’s death toll—but spent more than an hour discussing Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell’s five-year-old interactions with an alleged Chinese spy.

In unimportant below-the-fold news, should any politicians or attorneys general (but I repeat myself) lose their jobs for adding their names to Texas' seditious lawsuit to disenfranchise other states' voters?

Harris Faulkner said...

If today doesn't have a record-setting coronavirus death toll, may we discuss Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell’s five-year-old interactions with an alleged Chinese spy?

Eric said...

It's funny how Trump caused covid to skyrocket in Europe, too.

Anonymous said...

What kind of credulous ball-washer honestly believes Donald Trump isn't responsible for a significant percentage of U.S. Covid cases and deaths? A percentage which could have been avoided by any competent president?

The United States has almost quadruple the per capita cases as Canada.

Eric said...

Every time I ask why New Jersey has the highest per capita death rate in the country, I'm told it's because they also have the highest population density.

But that rationale magically disappears when the argument includes Canada which has a population one-tenth that of the U.S.

Anonymous said...

North Dakota, which has the identical population density as Canada, has the worst Covid numbers in the world. Canada isn't even close.

Eric said...

Thank heaven Joe Biden is coming with his plan to wear masks but EVEN HARDER.

Anonymous said...

A simple "I didn't have a clue" would have sufficed.

Canada: 13,431 Covid deaths, to date

United States: 16,650 Covid deaths, past 7 days

Eric said...

What's Joey going to do? Tell us.

Anonymous said...

I'm just speculating here, but maybe... not be a pernicious retard who killed 150,000+ Americans in order to lose an election by 7 million votes?

President Biden will have much less than one-tenth the density.

Eric said...

Yeah, that's what I expected.

Anonymous said...

I agree that "not deliberately sacrificing enough American lives to fill Springfield, Massachusetts for perceived personal gain" shouldn't be an improvement in federal policy... but here we are.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Politico: ‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy, emails reveal

Senior Trump officials have repeatedly denied that herd immunity — a concept advocated by some conservatives as a tactic to control Covid-19 by deliberately exposing less vulnerable populations in hopes of re-opening the economy — was under consideration or shaped the White House's approach to the pandemic. “Herd immunity is not the strategy of the U.S. government with regard to coronavirus," HHS Secretary Alex Azar testified in a hearing before the House coronavirus subcommittee on Oct. 2.

The person who sent the emails only worked at the White House a short time, did not make policy, only fetched coffee, and is a liar trying to sell a book.