Thursday, December 24, 2020

Peace on Earth

Big Government: "Netanyahu: 'Many, many more Arab states' to normalize ties soon." - "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday promised that “many, many more countries” would be signing normalization agreements with Israel “a lot sooner than people expect,” and lauded the Trump administration for consistently “defending the truth and defending the State of Israel.” 


  1. Dr. Jill9:41 PM

    'Many, many more Arab states' to normalize ties soon."

    This, like the vaccine, will eventually be portrayed as having happened under president-elect Joe Biden.

  2. Yes, and like his previous boss, he's already adopting the position that everything bad is because of his predecessor.

  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Well, if you're that desperate to celebrate basic presidential competence, you should know that the mRNA vaccine technology now being used to combat Covid was funded during the Obama administration.

    You may be confusing that successful use of taxpayer funds and foresight with Trump turning down the option to lock in 100 million to 500 million doses of that vaccine. The warehouses must be all full of the useless hydrochloroquine he bought instead.

    Trump repeatedly blamed his predecessor for mishandling the Ebola crisis (1 death, 3 other cases), you whiny sycophant projectionists.

  4. Dr. Jill9:13 AM


    Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.
    The Obama administration's ability to stop the swine flu came down to luck, one former aide says.

    “It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Ron Klain, who was Biden’s chief of staff at the time, said of H1N1 in 2019. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck."

  5. Anonymous11:55 PM

    And when Biden deliberately sabotages the federal response to a pandemic, that assessment'll become relevant.

    Until then, Eric is going to be so disappointed to see you stoop to blaming Trump's predecessor... and for something that didn't even happen. Oof.

    Trump could have made his own luck. He could have won reelection.

    Instead, Trump kept grading himself a perfect 10 as 200,000+ Americans gasped to death on plastic tubes. 200,000 Americans who would not have died under Presidents Hillary, Mitt, Barack, George W, Splunge, Dole, Bubba, or Sleepy Joe.

  6. Dr. Jill9:28 AM

    Tell it to Politico.

    It's clear from the above comment your delusions are torturing you more than ever. The Blue Wave and president-elect Biden were supposed to give you peace.

    Release your sphincter muscles, unclench your teeth, and relax! The fate of the arc of history doesn't depend on you! The world will even survive if you - dare I say it - get some sleep, nights.

  7. Anonymous1:48 PM

    A month and a half in your sadness hole, and this rehashed oatmeal is the best you could emerge with?

    Trump killed 200,000+ in a failed attempt to stay president. All the trolls in all the world can't change that truth.

    There will be no stolen valor for Trump and the vaccine.

  8. Dr. Jill9:11 AM

    This is, what - the fourth or fifth time you've fantasized I'm in a sad place? It's obviously an idea you cling to in an attempt to keep your fragile world in place. And yet...I'm relaxed, cheerful, and optimistic, while you've shown yourself to be bitter, raging, delusional, and sleepless.

  9. Tee hee2:37 PM

    Nasty rumors can start when a yapping dog suddenly shuts up and hides.

    My mistake. How about this?

    After years of continuous bluster, you abruptly vanished without trace immediately after losing the election. But not because you were wrong. And not because you were crushed. And not because after four years of play-acted confidence exploded in your face, further bluster would be ludicrous. It's because you're a meticulous wordsmith who wanted to make sure his next statements were fresh, original and exquisitely crafted.

    Now, why you slunk back and churned out the same old predictable "I'm rubber, you're glue" projection undermines that premise. I haven't got that part worked out yet. But that's a minor detail. The important thing is that you're invisibly winning.

    But we're getting off topic. We were discussing how you think it's totally unfair that Trump will not get proper credit for the vaccine. And how I'm bitter, and desperate to change the arc of history.

  10. Dr. Jill9:08 AM

    After years of continuous bluster, you abruptly vanished without trace immediately after losing the election.

    Your repeated, plaintive demands that I feel crushed were how you reacted in frustration to various sadness-free comments I have placed on this blog since the election. And now you've resorted to pretending those comments were never made. How's that for an exhibition of despair?

    But feel free to nurture the delusion that I'm sad, if it will bring you some measure of comfort at 3:27AM.

  11. Anonymous2:22 PM

    The arc of history:

    As Galileo said, “Eppur troglodytarum et fugerunt in absconditum.” (“And yet the troll ran and hid)”

  12. Dr. Jill6:12 PM


  13. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Et iterum perdere.
