Monday, December 07, 2020

Nice work if you can get it

Fox News: "New York’s threatened lockdown spares ‘SNL’ once again as show uses COVID loophole to keep in-person audience."  Here's the loophole:

As previously reported by Fox News, the comedy show is said to have skirted strict coronavirus regulations in the Big Apple by paying audience members $150 for their participation in the season premiere this fall. This would allow the program to consider live audience members paid individuals who “work” for the show.

So, if I'm reading this correctly, a bar could sell you a beer for $155 and then pay you $150 to engage in the performance art of drinking it. 

At this point it's more than obvious that there's one set of rules for Hollywood types and another set of rules for the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13 AM

    The SNL approach makes it clear that the maskless morons who attend Trump rallies should unionize.
